Where are you?

I found this post about the Four Stages on “Getting” Twitter here. I would say that I’m not addicted to Twitter, but I’m surprised that I really enjoy using it! I like to read my feed and to RT. I’ve also been following hashtags such as #phdchat and #phdforum on Twitter to cope with my PhD journey. What about you?

So, where are you of the four stages?


How to use social media for formal learning

Hello EME 6414!

I would like to share some ideas to use social media in educational context. All the links will direct you to the original post. I gathered these links from my Tweets and RT. I hope it will be helpful for the instructional design assignment 🙂


Formative assessment with social media

5 ways to collaborate with another class

How to use Twitter in the classroom

How to use Pinterest in education

How to use Skype in the classroom

Why you should use Diigo  

And don’t forget how to use Wordle in the classroom in my last post here.

Any other suggestions?

Infographic: Popular Educational Twitter Hashtags

twitter final 2
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I believe the #elearning and #mlearning is two very common use of hashtags related to the technology category among the hastags used on Twitter. However, I’m surprised to see the #bullying is also popular. Do you think this mirrors the problem of bullying in schools?

How about #homeschool? Is it common in the States? As far as I know, it is not common in Malaysia.

Have you tried searching for something on Twitter by using any of these popular hashtags?

Leave me a comment! 🙂

Twitter as a learning tool


Honestly, I neither think nor see how Twitter can really help teaching and learning activities in schools. However, while reading my Tweeter feed, I found this inspiring blog of a Grade 1 teacher named Kristen Wideen from Canada that encourages the use of social media in her classroom. She shared some examples of how to use Twitter in literacy, math, and science. It’s interesting to see how a teacher can integrate the use of Twitter with Grade 1 students! I know some people don’t agree with early exposure of social media with children. But, perhaps early introduction of social media tools can help children experience the advantages of the tools as well as become aware of the ‘danger’ of it.


One of the teacher’s example that I really like is how she uses Karen Lirenman’s #MathStory to encourage her student to create and post math problems for other students to answer. Read more here. 

Here’s her recent blog post on Using Social Media as Teaching Tool.

Let’s check it out! 

Learning from Twitter

I just signed in on Twitter a few days ago to explore and perhaps learn  about how to use it for teaching and learning. I’ve started following elearninginfograhic, edutopia, and echo360. I think the use of hashtags (#) is interesting and helpful when I want to know something on a certain topic. While browsing the Tweets that I followed, I came to this blog post about 10 steps for educators new to Tweeter that might be helpful 🙂

I’ll continue to play and share my experience from Tweeter as the semester goes along.